A New Journey

As I sit here, the news of Booknet's imminent shutdown weighs heavily on my heart. This online platform, which has been my literary haven and faithful companion for years, is about to bid us all farewell. The realization hits me like a tidal wave of emotions, washing over me with a bittersweet mixture of nostalgia, sadness, and a touch of uncertainty. But amidst this wave, I find the strength to rise and forge a new path for my writing, for I refuse to let the end of Booknet be the end of my creative journey.

Booknet was more than just a website; it was a community, a vibrant space where writers and readers came together, to share their passions, ideas, and dreams. Through Booknet, I found solace in the arms of fellow wordsmiths who understood the magic of storytelling, celebrated my victories, and offered a supportive hand during my moments of doubt. It provided me with a platform to showcase my work, to receive feedback, and to grow as a writer. The impending shutdown leaves an irreplaceable void in my writer's heart.

But life is a constant ebb and flow, an ever-changing landscape of challenges and triumphs. And just as the final chapter closes on Booknet, a new chapter begins in my writing journey. It is a chapter that I will embrace with open arms, fueled by determination and unwavering love for the written word.

My university commitments and other responsibilities may demand much of my time, but my passion for writing burns fiercely within me. I refuse to let it fade away amidst the chaos of everyday life. Instead, I will carve out moments of respite, stealing minutes from the ticking clock, to weave stories and breathe life into characters that occupy my imagination. In the depths of the night or the early morning hours, I will summon the muse and let the words flow freely onto the page.

Yet, as I take this leap of faith, I acknowledge the need for a new home for my books, a sanctuary that will nurture my creativity and connect me with fellow wordsmiths once again. The vast expanse of the internet holds hidden gems, undiscovered communities that await my arrival. I will tread the virtual realms, exploring different platforms, searching for a place where my stories can thrive and find their rightful audience.

While bidding farewell to Booknet is undeniably difficult, I choose to view it as an opportunity for growth. It is a chance to broaden my horizons, venture into uncharted territories, and discover new readers, critics, and friends who will accompany me on this exhilarating journey.

So, with a heavy heart and unwavering determination, I prepare to say goodbye to Booknet, grateful for the memories and the connections it bestowed upon me. I will treasure the friendships forged, the invaluable lessons learned, and the countless hours spent immersed in the enchanting stories of fellow writers.

I will be announcing the platform for my books on my socials. Please follow me on Instagram to know more. @tildamorte.

Farewell, dear Booknet, and thank you for the memories. With hope and courage, I embrace the future, ready to unleash the power of my words upon the world once more.


Your writer buddy,
Tilda Morte


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Marianna Mas
21.05.2023, 17:43:03


20.05.2023, 10:06:19

Thank you!

Priya Prajapati
20.05.2023, 07:51:01

Wishing you All the best for future ✨& keep writing like this ❤

19.05.2023, 01:42:41

Thank you for sharing your talents to us.

18.05.2023, 22:53:07

This is how a writer says Goodbye!
Wishing you all the best on your future ❤️

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