Rechazada Por El Alfa

Rechazada Por El Alfa

Roxiii · autor
En proceso 4 pág. · Inicio de publicación
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  • Comentarios 10
Sinopsis del libro "Rechazada Por El Alfa"
Aylin, una chica tierna y tímida de ojos azules y cabello negro con mechones blancos, descubre que es la pareja predestinada de Ethan, un poderoso alfa lobo. Pero él la rechaza cruelmente por ser humana, negándose a aceptar su vínculo. Herida, Aylin se aleja, pero cuando un peligro inesperado amenaza con arrebatársela para siempre, Ethan se da cuenta de su error. Ahora deberá luchar contra su orgullo y el destino para recuperar a la única persona que su corazón realmente anhela.
Contenido del libro: 3 capítulos
Última actualización: hoy
2 días atrás
Capitulo 1
Capitulo 2

10 comentarios

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Darcy McGrath
10.03.2025, 21:16:11

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11.03.2025, 02:09:51

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10.03.2025, 17:28:55

You do amazing job, and I believe you have amazing potential. I would love to help with the line art animation to showcase it. Are there additional social media sites where we may communicate?

Integrity Hik
10.03.2025, 17:07:55

I’m a professional book promotion expert specializing in cover art, line art, 2D animation, manga, and comic character design With years of experience, I’ve helped numerous authors elevate their careers through captivating visuals and creative solutions. Let’s bring your book to life!

10.03.2025, 16:18:32

Integrity Hik, It sounds great but I don't know, I've just started with my book.

Judy K Estes
10.03.2025, 14:54:08

Your words have the capacity to uplift, cure, and change people's lives. The book you wrote is a testament to your enthusiasm, originality, and commitment. Don't worry about how many people hear it—your voice counts. Continue writing, have faith that your tale will reach the right people, and never give up. Your words are needed by the globe!

Mostrar 3 respuestas
10.03.2025, 16:15:05

Judy K Estes, Hello. And thanks again. I use Telegram. And unlike what I said in the first chapter of Rejected by the Alpha, it is my first book and I have not collaborated with anyone.

10.03.2025, 16:47:43

wow do you welcome suggesting

Mia may
10.03.2025, 14:00:14

WOW interesting mind suggestions

10.03.2025, 16:01:09

Mia may, thank you

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